Feel free to contact us !


Rumin 25a, Hrvace, Sinj, Croatia

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How to get to us ?

from Split:

Take bus from city Bus station, direction Sinj.
The buses are operated by Promet Sinj d.o.o. and Litre tours.
Buses depart regulary every day, and you can check the schedule here (http://www.ak-split.hr/en/departures-from-split/).
Tickets are bought inside the bus.
After arriving in Sinj, you can take taxi to our location (10 km; approx 10 eur one direction per car).

BY CAR from Split:

Distance 43 km (45 minutes).
Follow the signs for road D1, and drive on D1 passing throug Dugopolje, Sinj, Hrvace.
Just after Hrvace there is a sign that sais: Rumin (Panj) where you will turn right.
Drive for 2 km until you reach a bridge that crosses the Cetina river.
After the bridge turn right, and in 350 m you will arrive.
